Please read carefully.* * * Inventory is entirely VINTAGE from our parents' Army-Navy store in San Diego - closed +-1947. ** You are purchasing x1 Sterling / PB/ regulation size MEYER Box w/ window SUB-COMBAT BADGE * We do NOT NOT NOT accept returns, so Please ask Q. Now * *We have a mini-SubCombat in Meyer box.* * Some items Still have the original WOSK Store Label.**The other items pictured will be posted shortly.*We've also SweetHeart / QUALS * RIBBON BARs * EGAs (*Rare* MEYER: OfficerDress / Cap / Collar / Sterl.** & EGA Pot Cap Badges ** * PATCHES *more Wings/Badges.)* USMC D.I.s * NAVY STRIKERS etccccc. Questions ? * Thank you, Donna Wosk / / / *** We have lots of Basic Badges & Lots of Enlisted EGA CAP ( & some ) Collar Badges** And PISTOL EXPERT & EXPERT RIFLEMAN... Thank you, Donna